March 27, 2022: 2016-2020 Census Data!


Release 0.45.0 incorporates the 2016-2020 Census American Community Survey 5-year data. To support this change, the underlying geographic data were also updated to their 2020 release.

The new 2020 geographic data includes many new Census-Defined Places. You’ll have many more places to look at!

The Digital Distress Indicators for all counties and school districts were recomputed to use the new ACS data.

However, the FCC 477 broadband deployment data still uses the 2010-vintage blocks. Given the mismatch between FCC and Census blocks, its no longer possible to map a single FCC record to a single Census block group. There’s more on this topic on the I3 Telegraph: 2020 Census Geographies and FCC data releases.

TL;DR: In prior releases, views that displayed block-level FCC broadband data used the surrounding block-group data as as a proxy for the Census data associated with the block. This feature has now been removed. The impact for users will be seen in the Wireline and Wireless Provider map views when drilling down to the block level. In addition, in those views, the mappings from FCC broadband deployment data to Census block-groups, tracts, and counties are now also approximated.

FCC block-level population estimates are still used in the various Auction, Rural/Urban, and Well-Served Block views.


  • In many of the map views, you can display all of the tracts (or block groups) matching both a primary (e.g. Internet Subscriptions) and a secondary (e.g. Household Income) group. This release now places a marker on each geographic area that matches both criteria in order to make the overlap more obvious.

  • The total enrollment and type of district (unified, elementary, secondary) has been added to the Overview page for school districts.

  • This is the 35th major release of the system.